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Common issues with the Shopify app and how to remedy.

Jeff Blake avatar
Written by Jeff Blake
Updated over 4 years ago


Inventory is being reset to 0 after every sale

If you have the Vend Point of Sale App installed, Vend could be the culprit. You can check whether this is the problem by navigating to the variant or product in the Shopify Admin (Products > locate product > locate variant), scroll down to the Inventory section and click on the View inventory history link.

If you see something like this then Vend is the problem:

Screen Shot 2020-12-15 at 8.51.43 AM

The solution is not known at the moment, other than uninstalling the Vend app. If you figure it out let me know!

Tickets will not load on the order status/confirmation page

If you see a loading spinner for awhile, followed by a message

“There appears to be a delay loading this order. Please check back later.” Ask yourself these troubleshooting questions:

  • Did you edit or change the product variants or options directly in Shopify? If so, that usually breaks the app, because the app must manage the variants and options itself. Solution: delete and re-create event.

  • Is the order fulfilled? If not, the tickets wouldn’t load. Solution: check the “Order fulfillment preference” in the Settings tab, the default is (and recommended) “Upon order creation”.

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