Learn about how subscriptions and per ticket fees work.
On my Shopify invoice I see “Usage charges”, what are those?
Can I use the iOS Check in and ticket scanning app on the On Demand plan?
How do I pay the subscription and per ticket fees?
Who collects the ticket sales? Do you pay me?
What are credits? Do I need them?
There are other apps that don’t charge per ticket?
Paying per ticket sounds expensive?
What about credit card fees?
Is there a cap on ticket fees?
When am I charged a dollar?
Can I trial it for free?
Which plan is right for me?
But I need to sell more than 50 tickets?
Why is there a $50 limit when I sign up for a plan?
What is the external admin app?
Is upgrading and downgrading automatic based on how tickets I sell?
Can I upgrade or downgrade any time?
What is the difference between free and paid plans?