Customizing the storefront, products page, order confirmation page, emails, etc.
I need the customer experience translated in my language, can you help?
Can I have different start times for an event based on ticket type?
Can I add additional information to appear on the PDF ticket?
Can I customize the text that shows on the confirmation page?
Can the customer purchase other products in the same order?
Is it integrated with Shopify Checkout?
The customer is not able to download their ticket on the confirmation page
How do I change the order of ticket variants on the product page?
Can customers use Android? I only see iOS
The customer is not able to transfer or fill in questions on the order confirmation page
How do I collect more fields or questions from the customer after purchase?
How do I send an email to the ticket buyer after purchase?
How do I add a quantity field to the product page?
Old/past dates are appearing on my Shopify product page, how do I remove them?